- Just stuff it!
StuffBags are for stuff. Soft stuff like clothing, sleeping bags
and rain gear.
- StuffBags are the basic organizer for camping and backpacking. Some call them stuff sacks. Organize your gear into a variety of camping kits for keeping gear clean, easily accessible and organized.
- StuffBag features are:
- ·Tough 200 denier coated nylon makes them waterproof. (Wet items should be stored in our breathable
- ·Grey parachute cord drawstring.
- ·Push-button friction clamp.
- ·Made in green.
·Extra Large, 99940, is for
large items like a sleeping bag or tent bag replacement.

- ·Large, 99930, larger kits, like clothing, food,
smaller tents without poles

·Medium, 99920, small kits like specialty clothing, rain gear, hot weather...
mall, 99910,
hiking stoves, cooking supplies or hygiene kits...